Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder program is hosting a virtual event every 4th Thursday of the month for people with LBD and carepartners of those with LBD.
We are excited to meet again virtually on Thursday, September 22
nd from 1-2pm central. Our speaker will be Julia Wood who is the Director of Professional & Community Education at the Lewy Body Dementia Association (
LBDA). She will share information about strategies for dealing with cognitive changes. Julia is a great resource in this field, and we look forward to having her join us for a presentation and discussion!
Speaker Bio: Julia Wood, MOT, OTR/L is an occupational therapist specializing in assessment and treatment of people with Parkinson’s Disease and related dementias. Julia is currently the Director of Professional & Community Education at the Lewy Body Dementia Association (LBDA). Julia has served as faculty for the Parkinson’s Foundation’s Team Training for Parkinson program since 2016 and served on the Parkinson’s Foundation Rehabilitation Task Force in 2021. She co-authored the first American Occupational Therapy Association Practice Guideline for Adults with Parkinson’s Disease in 2022 and serves on the Comprehensive Care Subcommittee for the World Parkinson’s Congress (WPC) in Barcelona, Spain in 2023.
To receive the information and register for this event and our ongoing series, please use this link: